zion evangelical lutheran church
Manheim, PA
The Red Rose Church
The Red Rose Church
Stephen Ministry: General Information Zion joins over 7,000 other Christian congregations worldwide to offer the Stephen Series of training and organizing lay people for caring ministry in and around their congregations. Zion’s Stephen Ministers undergo 50 hours of specialized training in topics such as listening skills, confidentiality, understanding feelings, assertiveness, grief, as well as in other ministry skill topics. Through formalized one-on-one caring relationships, Zion’s Stephen Ministers use their care-giving skills to touch the lives of others who are experiencing life challenges or difficulties. This confidential ministry seeks to provide a space for people to open their lives farther to God’s healing power through the cross of Jesus Christ.
While Stephen Ministers are not counselors, they are trained lay care-givers. They use their skills of listening and caring as they serve as caring, Christian friends. Because their work is strictly confidential, a care-receiver can be assured that whatever gets told to a Stephen Minister will not be repeated. This ministry uses the name Stephen from St Stephen, who was the first lay person commissioned by the apostles to provide caring ministry to those in need as recorded in Acts 6. If you would like to know more about receiving the confidential, caring ministry of a Stephen Minister, please speak with Pastor Roth. (If you want to talk about Stephen Ministry for someone else, please make sure that you get his or her permission first.) If you would like to know more about becoming a Stephen Minister, please speak with Donna Moore, Yvonne Kreider, or the Pastor. |